Vogel Prep is a tutoring and test prep resource which helps students excel, due to its excellent tutors and proprietary strategies and solutions that really work. At Vogel Prep, we are proud to provide the best tutoring and test prep options in Arizona. This is the reason why we have had students coming from as far as Texas, Florida, L.A. or New England. Our adaptation of technology (Zoom) now provides us the flexibility to tutor your student from anywhere, whether it is at home, in college, or while traveling.
We know that when you make the decision to hire a tutor or to enroll your students in a class outside of school, you do so because you feel it will help them in a way beyond what is already available to them. For example, you might enroll your student in a test preparation program, study skills program, math program, reading program, or grammar program. Vogel Prep’s tradition is to respect every family's right to make these decisions without any pressure or long-term commitments and provide excellent options, from academic support to test preparation or college advising.
Vogel Prep knows these choices require an investment in time, effort, and trust. When given the opportunity to support students and their academic goals, we want to be your obvious choice and strategic partner. Vogel Prep is the company you want for your student, with excellent tutors and proprietary strategies that really work and a focus on outstanding customer service.
How can we help? Our services are broken down into 4 major categories: Diagnostics or Assessments, Academic Support, Test Prep and College Advising. We mainly focus on the Middle School to College Level Student and our services are targeted appropriately for each grade level. Below is a diagram that describes the programs offered at each level.
Mindprint is a cognitive skills assessment in Memory, Complex Reasoning, and Executive Function.
Basics could include Math, Reading, Writing, and Vocabulary.
Basic Skill-Building could include Reading, Writing, Math, Study Skills, and Public Speaking.
Advanced Skill-Building includes Basic Skill-Building and a Science or Social Science.
Here are some examples of our services in each category.
Diagnostics: Middle and high school students may benefit from our MindPrint diagnostic assessment that will assess your student’s cognitive skills, as understanding these will provide a road map for students to plan their study strategies and plans. In addition, upper-level high school students benefit from assessments for tests like PSAT, SAT or ACT.
Academics: Vogel Prep focusses on building skills for life that can be just basic (i.e., Math, reading or Writing) or more advanced that includes additional subjects like natural science or social sciences. We also offer academic support for regular, honors and AP classes.
Test Prep: Vogel Prep's test preparation programs have a 13-year history of helping students achieve outstanding results based on their level. Often middle school students prepare for the ISEE, SSAT or HSPT. Sophomores and Juniors prepare for ACTs, PSATs, SATs or AP exams. Often our college students comeback for Graduate Test Prep (i.e., LSATs, GREs, or GMATs) in anticipation of their long-term professional commitments. They are always a great source of pride for our team.
College Advising: 8th graders like to understand their directions and class selection options for HS, while HS students plan their courses to achieve their college planning targets and eventually their college applications.
No matter your situation, give us a call and let our experts help you so you can help your student soar and reach their “Pathway to Success!”
To speak to an expert about how we can help your student soar, click here to learn more.