For students who took the PSAT test in October, the College Board will be sending paper reports to schools in January.  The College Board should have emailed students a pass code in late December or early January and provide them a date when scores will be available on-line in January, for many students in AZ it is after January 7th.   Students can then go online for the results after this date. As you know, the PSAT this year was based on the revised SAT format. 

The new test will no longer have vocabulary in Reading, no traditional grammar in Writing, and no longer a “penalty for guessing.” The scoring is now based on the more traditional SAT 1600 scale (for the SAT), however the PSAT scores will be between 320 and 1520. The PSAT scoring is much more complex and confusing than previous years.  If you would like some help in deciphering these score reports, call our office for a free consultation.

The first SAT under this new format will be given on March 5.  Because this is the first sitting under the revised format, the College Board needs more time to calibrate the scoring. So, March scores will not be released until late May or possibly early June. 

For current juniors, this adds a great deal of uncertainty and makes a focus on the SAT a risky proposition this year. If you are uncertain about whether to take the SAT or the ACT this year, or need help understanding the PSAT scores, call Vogel Prep (480-990-7374) for a free in-center consultation and assessment.